Why Watershed Planning

Why is Watershed Planning Important?

Since topography, not political borders, determines watershed area, using the natural boundaries that define a watershed make for much more effective and efficient action in protecting water resources. By sharing information, developing common goals and coordinating activities such as water testing and reporting within the watershed, communities can become more successful in solving problems and can reach goals more quickly and inexpensively.

An EPA publication entitled “Why Watersheds” put it this way:

A ‘watershed approach’ uses hydrologically defined areas (watersheds) to coordinate the management of water resources. The approach is advantageous because it considers all activities within a landscape that affect watershed health. Ideally, a watershed approach will integrate biology, chemistry, economics, and social considerations into decision-making. It considers local stakeholder input and national and state goals and regulations. A watershed approach recognizes needs for water supply, water quality, flood control, navigation, hydropower generation, fisheries, biodiversity, habitat preservation, and recreation; and it recognizes that these needs often compete. It establishes local priorities in the context of national goals and coordinates public and private actions. A watershed approach offers a blue print for water resource management.

The property boundaries of landowners and the political boundaries of states, tribes, counties, and municipalities are often unrelated to watershed boundaries. As a result, when citizens or governments have tried to coordinate water resource protection or restoration efforts, they have often found it difficult to do so. Evidence suggests that the watershed approach improves collaboration and information sharing among diverse partners and leveraging of resources.

And as the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts had noted on their website in 2002:

Watershed based planning is not a new or exotic approach to natural resource management. It is often known by various names such as Coordinated Resource Management and Planning (CRMP) or consensus based decision making. Some state and federal agencies, notably local Resource Conservation Districts and the United States Departments of Interior and Agriculture, have sponsored watershed-based projects for decades. Watershed-based management is the most effective way to enhance water quality and natural resources, protect critical wildlife habitat, prevent soil erosion, and sustain economic activities while managing the pressures of an urbanizing landscape.

Watershed wide planning also offers opportunities for funding projects that might otherwise be difficult to do municipality by municipality. It is evident that watershed planning makes good sense!