See you Tomorrow at the Farm!

Again, here’s our handy list of of items to bring with you on Saturday if you have them:

  • shovel and/or spade
  • planting bar
  • pick axe and/or mattock tool
  • hard rubber hammer, claw hammer and/or medium size ballpeen hammer
  • utility knife
  • empty 5-gallon buckets with handles
  • boots
  • work gloves
  • insect repellent
  • sunscreen
  • water & lunch

Remember to label your tools for easy identification.

Wednesday, though warm, was a real nice day to plant. According to the forecast for Saturday, it is supposed to be a few degrees warmer, so be sure you have water to keep hydrated, and sunscreen so you don’t burn.

The main planting area has been mowed for easier work, and there was a wonderful smell of mint from the mowing, but closer to the bank, some unfriendly plants were pointed out by Monroe County SWCD technician, Molly Swearingen, and confirmed by Charlie Knauf – keep an eye out to avoid them when working on Saturday:

0601161022Cow Parsnip will give you a photosensitive blister- like rash.  Pretty nasty!

admin update: Pete took a look at this plant and tells us it might be in the same family, but it is not Cow Parsnip.  Cow Parsnip has a different type of leaf.  We’re avoiding it anyway.


0601161023Stinging Nettle (foreground) – though the itchy rash won’t last much more than a day, it is still good not to get one in the first place.


0601161023aAnd Poison Ivy! We all knows what that is like! Steer clear!

Again, thanks to everyone who will be participating tomorrow. See you at 9:00AM! Parking is across the highway at the old gas station.

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Saturday – Tree Planting at Balonek Farm continues…. Please Lend a Hand

We got a lot of work done on Wednesday, but still need to plant 700 shrubs! Please come help if you can! Thank you to all that worked so hard on Wednesday!


From the desk of Chairman Peter Lent:

Hello everyone,

Yesterday a good start was made on the Balonek Farm Trees for Trib Project on Oatka Creek. All the trees have been planted (approx. 300) and about 400 shrubs were planted. There are still approximately 700 shrubs that will need to be planted on Saturday. These will be planted between the tree buffer and Oatka Creek. See planting plan in attached flyer. We had 15 folks help out on Wednesday, with representatives from the following groups: Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District, Oatka Creek Watershed Committee, Wyoming County Soil & Water District, NYS DEC Region 8 Forestry, and Trout Unlimited. The planting on Wednesday occurred between 8:30 to 4:00 PM.   Thank you to all who attended.

We are not done yet, so please consider helping us complete this job on Saturday, if you can.  Please refer to the attached flyer (also sent to you last Friday). Parking is available across Rt 36 from the farm entrance at the old closed gas station, which is adjacent to the DEC Fish Access Parking Lot (see map on the flyer).  Items to bring are listed on flyer.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,




note: Admin has modified the map to indicate new parking arrangements. There is excavation and demolition work being done on the farm which prevents use of the original parking site, so as Pete has said, parking is across the highway at the old gas station (area indicated in orange). Also added was suggested path for easiest access to planting area (in pink!). The easiest path down may change, as Mike Balonek may be moving some dirt around to create a better access path.

Please see May 27 post for flyer. Contact Pete or Jeremy with any other questions. Be sure to wear sunscreen & bring water!




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