iMapInvasives Training Workshop – July 12
Pete received this information on a summer workshop to learn about some technology in the fight against invasive species in New York State. Come hangout at the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge to learn what you can do. It’s FREE and the cool tool also works on your smartphone!
Training Workshop
In support of New York State Invasive Species Awareness Week (ISAW), join us to enhance your capacity to identify, document, and control invasives in your community while exploring your local Refuge!
Wednesday, July 12 , 2017 ● 10:00 am to ~4:00 pm
Pre-registration is required (by June 30, 2017)
Hosted at: Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center
1101 Casey Road, Basom, NY 14013 (map below)
General Itinerary:
- 10:00 ● Welcome & Introduction to Iroquois NWR & NYISAW
- 10:30 to ~12 noon ● Invasive Species 101 + iMapInvasives 101
- 12 noon to 12:30 ● Lunch (lunch is not provided)
- 12:30 ● Review iMapInvasives
- 1:00 to ~4:00 ● Invasive Species Removal Project
Topics will include:
- Why invasive species are a threat,
- WNY target species,
- Basic invasive plant identification,
- Management techniques,
- Emerging invasives,
- What you can do to STOP THE INVASION!
For more information and to register, please contact:
Eli Polzer at; (585)948-5445 x7056
Regional Partners:
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More info for Saturday Tree Planting at GCV&M
Melissa gave us the specifics for Saturday’s event:
Hello All,
Thank you for your interest in joining Genesee Country Village & Museum for our Trees for Tributaries tree planting event on Saturday, May 6. Here are some additional details for the day.
- We will meet at 9 AM on the museum’s Oatka Property (entrance directly across from main museum entrance). There will be signs that say Trees for Tributaries Parking to help direct you. Please follow the signs to park.
- Bring a shovel, work gloves and water/lunch.
- Dress for the weather and be prepared with rain gear. It calls for on and off rain on Saturday so dress accordingly and think sunshine! I’m optimistic, the weather meteorologists are wrong quite often. Maybe it will be nice out!
- We may encounter poison ivy, mosquitoes, stinging nettles and ticks. Please wear long pants and if you normally apply insect repellent, that might be a good thing to have on hand. We will lead a tick check at the end of the planting. Something we have become accustomed to doing at the museum’s nature center in recent years. Not to scare anyone off just want you spread awareness and do the best we can to keep everyone safe.
Thank you for your help. We all look forward to getting our young trees and shrubs in the ground.
See you soon,
“Inspiring excitement and curiosity about the past and an appreciation for its relevance today.”
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Come help plant trees along the Oatka Creek this Saturday. Join us at the Genesee Country Village & Museum where we’re restoring an area where trees had to be taken down due to damage by Emerald Ash Borer.
Genesee Country Village & Museum Property on the north side of Flint Hill Road, Mumford NY – More information on parking will be available soon.
This Saturday, May 6 at 9:00 AM until we are done!
What to bring:
Tools to bring with you if you have them:
- shovel and/or spade
- planting bar
- Pick axe and/or mattock tool
- Hard rubber hammer, claw hammer and/or medium size ballpeen hammer
- utility knife
- empty 5-gallon buckets with handles
- rake
Don’t forget to label your tools for easy identification.
And for yourself:
- boots
- work gloves
- insect repellent
- sunscreen
- water & lunch
You might want to wear some rain gear, as according to the NOAA, there is a 90% chance of “occasional rain or drizzle” in Mumford on Saturday. And don’t forget that bug repellent – the ticks are especially bad this year!
To volunteer or for more information, contact Melissa at
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