Committee Organization

Existing Committee Organization

The Committee is incorporated as a not-for-profit organization. It has Bylaws that were adopted in January of 2002.

The Committee was granted 501(C)(3) status in December of 2003.

Rochester Area Community Foundation (RACF) has been one of the biggest financial sponsors to the OCWC. There has also been significant funding through the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of member counties who have used some of their FLLOWPA (Finger Lakes/Lake Ontario Watershed Protection Alliance) funds for studies/inventories of the Oatka Creek, and to assist the Committee in other work. Wyoming, Genesee and Monroe County SWCDs have also written special projects grants that benefited the OCWC directly. Another organization that has worked with the OCWC is the Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council who has been instrumental in funding and directing efforts in the formation of the watershed planning document.