
Thank you to our intrepid eight nine that showed up to work on Saturday at the Balonek Dairy Farm! The bulk of the plants made it into the ground – we’ll have a final count when Monroe SWCD folks pick up the remaining supplies.

It seemed much warmer today than at the last planting session, as there was more humidity and less of a breeze. Steve, Pete and Don did the difficult work of planting in among the high brush down by the creek.

Let’s hope the forecast from the National Weather Service is accurate, and we get the rain that is predicted for the next four days.

Here are a few pictures from today:


Pete & Tim


We got Josh from Monroe County SWCD to stand still for a picture. Josh is really really fast at digging holes!


John and Don


A view looking east.


We’re packed up and heading home at about 3:30.

Again, thanks so much to everyone who helped out.

Apparently admin is not good at counting. Thanks to all NINE folks that worked so hard on Saturday!

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