Our Trees for Tribs planting volunteers might like to know how all those trees & shrubs they planted this spring are doing. Well it’s good news!
From the desk of Chairman, Peter Lent:
On Monday (8/22) I accompanied Meg Boberg (Genesee River Basin T4T Coordinator) and Sarah Walsh (NYSDEC’s State Coordinator for T4T) on a tour of the Oatka Park and Balonek Farm planting areas we did earlier this year. Sarah was very impressed with the amount of volunteer effort that was involved. She also commented on the uniqueness of the Oatka Park site. What was most surprising (particularly for the Balonek farm), was the low tree mortality observed. Given the lack of rainfall we have had, I expected we would find quite a few trees that did not make it. But almost every tube had live plants growing in them.
That’s all for now,
Good work y’all!