Save the Dates! Great Lakes Action Agenda work group meetings
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation sent this bulletin on 03/27/2017 12:15 PM EDT
Save the Dates!
Great Lakes Action Agenda Work Group Meetings:
April 26th and 27th
May 9th and 10th
NYSDEC invites you to join other regional stakeholders in a basinwide partnership to advance ecosystem-based management opportunities for New York’s Great Lakes basin, as identified in the state’s interim Great Lakes Action Agenda (GLAA). Meeting objectives include:
- Share program updates
- Share progress of sub basin work plan implementation*
- Develop a collective understanding of EBM and how it is being demonstrated through pilot project implementation
- Discuss current status, needs, and next steps for advancing EBM pilot projects
Four sub basin work groups provide a unique opportunity to connect, coordinate and collaborate with other groups and agencies working locally and basinwide.
Thanks to our meeting hosts!
Please join us for one or more of the following meetings:
- Lake Erie Work Group – April 26th, 1:00pm – 4:00pm – Reinstein Nature Center, 93 Honorine Drive, Depew, NY 14043
- SW Lake Ontario Work Group – April 27th, 9:00am – 12:00pm – Hansen Nature Center, Tinker Nature Park, 1525 Calkins Rd Pittsford, NY 14534
- NE Lake Ontario Work Group – May 9th, 10:30am – 2:00pm – Depauville Free Library and Community Center – 32333 County Route 179 Depauville, NY 13632
- SE Lake Ontario Work Group – May 10th, 10:30am – 2:00pm –Lyons Community Center – 9 Manhattan St. Lyons, NY 14489
See Flyer Here
All NYS Great Lakes stakeholders are invited to participate — including environmental orgs, academic institutions, state and federal agencies, local government, individuals and other diverse stakeholder groups (business, health, recreation, planning, etc).
Please let us know if you can make it! RSVP to at least one week in advance of the meeting you plan to attend. Please indicate which work group meeting you’ll be attending.
*Work plans and past meeting minutes are available online by joining the Great Lakes Clean Communities network Great Lakes Action Agenda (GLAA NY) group:
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