Free October Municipal Watershed Management Plan Workshop

Free Workshop for Black Creek and Oatka Creek Watershed Municipalities

Find out How the Watershed Plans can Work For YOU!

Free Workshop
Two Hours of Training Credits Available to Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals Members
Sandwiches provided

OCWC will be joining with the Black Creek Watershed Coalition (BCWC)  to host a free workshop for municipalities throughout both watersheds to present findings & recommendations of the two Watershed Management Plans.

The workshop will provide municipal specific information packets to help better assist Black and Oatka Creek watershed municipal boards and departments in accessing the information contained in the plans, and will also give direction on what agencies can be of assistance in reaching goals.


WHAT:      Municipal Workshop – Introduction to the Watershed Management Plans for Black & Oatka Creeks

WHEN:      October 30, 2017 – 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

WHERE:    Town of Stafford Town Hall – 8903 Morganville Rd (State Route 237), Stafford, NY 14143

This workshop was made possible with funding from our friends at the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Genesee, Monroe, and Wyoming counties, as well as the Finger Lakes-Lake Ontario Watershed Protection Alliance  (FL-LOWPA).

Registration requested. Questions?  You can contact Pete or George!

*Please note: This workshop is geared toward information specific to the Black Creek & Oatka Creek Watershed Municipalities. There is limited admission and preference will be given to municipalities located in the two watersheds as well as representatives from County, state, and local  agencies that are specifically listed as partners in the  Watershed Management Plans for the two watersheds.

We will be keeping you updated on this program!

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