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What’s new in 2018:

Last fall found the OCWC very busy working with the Black Creek Watershed Coaliton to plan & host a municipal workshop for county and municipal officials and planning boards. The focus of the workshop was to talk about the findings and recommendations in the two watershed management plans. We had a fairly good turn out, and plan to follow up (again jointly with BCWC) individually with watershed municipalities.

At the start of the year, George Squires retired from the OCWC board after many many years of service to concentrate on his work with BCWC-  he was a founding member of both groups, and is on the Executive Board of the Black Creek Watershed Coaliton. We will miss George at our monthly meetings, but look forward to continuing to work with him as we collaborate with our BCWC partners. Thanks for all your hard work over the years on behalf of the OCWC, George!

OCWC has many conservation activities planned for 2018, and to start off, we will be doing a maintenance check on our Trees for Tribs planting sites. The first of which is at Oatka Creek Park on April 14! We will be meeting at the fisherman’s parking lot at 9:00. We’ll keep you apprised of supplies needed for the check- so check back for further information! If you have any additional questions, please contact Pete at, or leave a message on our Facebook page!

This is the same day as the ‘Pick Up the Park’ at Oatka Creek Park this year, and for a change, Alfred State College Alumni will be hosting the clean up event instead of us. OCWC will still be participating  though, as we plan to pick up trash on the north side during our Tree Check.

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