While the OCWC has been busy during the winter months, it’s now that time of year when we pull on our boots and get outdoors. Here are a few things that that are going on in next couple of months!
Check out DEC’s new “Buffer in a Bag” initiative! As we posted on our Facebook page, this new addition to the “Trees for Tribs” program provides landowners a free bag of 25 bareroot trees and shrubs for planting in streamside areas. OCWC members can assist interested persons in their applications, and we’ll also help with planting activities if you need it! Applications are being accepted until April 23 before 3:00 PM.
Saturday April 6 will be a tree check at Oatka Creek Park in Scottsville. We will be removing any tubes and stakes that no longer have live plants in them. This is to prepare the site for everything that will be happening this year at the Park. We will be seeing a lot of activity with restoration work on trout & fish habitat by Trout Unlimited, the US Fish and Wildlilfe Service and NYSDEC , as well as a stream bank stabilization planting by Monroe County Parks. For the April 6 check, we will be meeting at 8:30 AM at the fisherman’s access off Union St.
Sunday April 28th we will again be hosting Monroe County’s Pick Up the Parks event at Oatka Creek Park in Scottsville. We will be meeting at the Oatka Lodge (entrance off Union St/Quaker Rd). The clean up goes from 9:00 AM to noon. Come join us for this fun and relaxing event. This year, lunch will be provided! For more information or to sign up, contact Maureen.
Saturday May 4 you will find OCWC celebrating Arbor Day and the opening day of the Little League in the Village of Caledonia! The Village’s tree organization will be planting a tree honoring Barry Ganzhorn, a vital force for Caledonia’s Mackay Park. There will be a tree walk, and the OCWC will be there with our information booth.
We will update you with more detailed news as these events get closer and new events are set. Look forward to WAVE training, the Genesee River Watch’s River Basin Summit, and you will again see us in July at the Village of LeRoy’s Oatka Festival.
Have a great Spring!