Saturday, June 6, 2020
Indian Allen Park
Town of Wheatland
The Oatka Creek Watershed Committee has been asked by the Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District to plant 500 trees within the next 3 weeks in areas where ash trees have been decimated by Emerald Ash Borer. We are planting the trees in two locations next to Oatka Creek. On May 30, 2020, we planted 300 trees along Oatka Creek in Monroe County’s Oatka Creek Park. Event # 2 is scheduled for June 6 at Town of Wheatland’s Indian Allen Park where we will plant the remaining 200 plants.
WHERE: Indian Allen Park (See the aerial photo below for reference), near Canawaugus Park in Village of Scottsville.
DATE: Saturday June 6, 2020 (Rain Date June 13, 2020)
TIME: 8:30AM to 12:00 Noon
TOOLS TO BRING: Digging tools (Shovel, spade or planting bars), Pick axes, Mattock tools, and empty 5 gallon buckets w/handles
WHAT TO WEAR: Long sleeves and pants highly recommended, waterproof boots, work gloves & a mask or face covering (See Special Note below). If you don’t have a mask we can provide one.
OTHER SUPPLIES: Insect repellent, sunscreen, water & lunch
Label your gear for easy identification!
PARKING: Drive through Canawaugus Park parking lot and cross the Greenway and continue down to the access road into Indian Allen Park. The gate should be unlocked. Go down the access road until you see where other vehicles are parked. We will park along the margins of the access road. (See the aerial photo below for reference)

- Volunteers need no prior experience. We will provide instruction on planting techniques.
- The planting area will be divided into sections, with each section having an experienced volunteer to provide guidance.
SPECIAL NOTE: These events will meet CDC guidelines and NYS Pause requirements for risk mitigation of Covid-19. As an outdoor activity within an undeveloped area of a park, tree planting provides sufficient space for maintaining the necessary social distance to meet the guidelines.
Trees will be planted at least 20 feet from each other. Each tree will be planted by a single volunteer, or members of a cohabitating family group. All participants are required to have with them face masks/face coverings.
When should you wear your mask?
- While in the parking area
- If you will be 10 ft. (approx. 4 steps) or closer to another person
If you are interested in helping at the planting event or have questions, please contact Peter Lent