Upcoming Events of Interest

A variety of events are happening in the coming weeks:


Emerging Forest Pest Meeting

April 7 – (RSVPs requested by April 4)

9:30 am – Noon

Genesee County Park and Forest Interpretive Center
11095 Bethany Center Rd
East Bethany, NY 14054

Join Cornell University Forest Entomologist Mark Whitmore, Andrea Locke from WNY Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Mgmt., representatives of the WNY Emerald Ash Borer Taskforce, NYS DEC staff and local CCE staff for a discussion relating to:

  • Detection and management of Emerald Ash Borer
  • Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
  • Forest Pest Task forces
  • Tree Identification and next steps.

To RSVP or for more information, contact:

Don Gasiewicz, CCE Wyoming at (585) 786-2251 or  drg35@cornell.edu, or

Sharon Bachman, CCE Erie at (716) 652-5400, ext. 150 or at sin2@cornell.edu


Webinar – New York’s Great Lakes Riparian Restoration Opportunity Assessment Products

April 14 – Thursday

New York’s Natural Heritage Program at the State University of New York College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry and DEC’s Great Lakes watershed program will be presenting a new GIS landscape assessment tool that the DEC is interested in using to evaluate and prioritize riparian areas for restoration & protection efforts such as the Trees for Tribs program. Anyone interested in signing up for this webinar should contact DEC at greatlakes@dec.ny.gov


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April 23 – Saturday

OCWC will again be hosting Monroe County’s Pick up the Parks at the Oatka Park in Scottsville. Vice Chair Maureen is again coordinating the effort. We will be posting more information here as we get closer to the event. For now, find registration forms and more information at: http://www2.monroecounty.gov/parks/pickuptheparks



Spring 2016 Regional Local Government Workshop

May 19  – Thursday (Registration through May 11)

8:00AM – 5:00PM

Burgundy Basin Inn
1361 Marsh Road
Pittsford, New York 14534

Genesee Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council will be hosting the workshop which contains a wide variety of topics. Sessions include basics such as “Planning Board Overview” as well as the latest information on topics such as “Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)”, “Steps to Improve Community Walkability” and  “New York State Community Partnership Program”. For a complete list of sessions and registration information, see the brochure available at http://www.gflrpc.org/uploads/5/0/4/0/50406319/brochure.pdf



3rd Annual Genesee River Basin Summit

May 25


Rochester Institute of Technology
Louise Slaughter Hall, Building 78, Rooms 2240-2210
One Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, New York 14623

Join the Genesee RiverWatch as they host their annual river basin summit. This year will be focusing on streambank erosion and soil loss  in the Genesee River Basin. This event will explore the issues based upon presentations from regional experts and subsequent discussion with participants.

For more information visit: http://geneseeriverwatch.org/index.php/events/upcoming-events/62-2016-genesee-river-basin-summit

To register: click here


Also TBA this spring:

OCWC is partnering with the Seth Green Chapter of Trout Unlimited in a fisheries restoration project of the Oatka Creek in the Oatka Creek Park area. OCWC will be coordinating the Trees for Tribs component of this project. More information soon!


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