From our friends at Genesee SWCD:
Ag plastic container recycling is coordinated through Genesee County Soil & Water Conservation. This is for containers only and includes the large 250 gallon totes. It is not limited to only Genesee County. Pick-ups are scheduled twice a year, June and September.
Alot of vendors I’m hearing now are picking up their used product containers on a return visit to the farm. The recycling program is especially great if you have older plastics lying around that you don’t remember who the vendor was or they’ve piled up over time.
Contact information & details are on the attached brochure to REGISTER in advance.
Ag bunk covers, ag bags, seed totes/bean totes are not part of the above program, but instead are coordinated through Wyoming County Cornell Cooperative Extension. Richard Downs will be handling pick-up at farms throughout Wyoming County starting in the next few weeks. Please call Richard at 786-2251, ext. 142 if you are interested in having him stop by. If you are outside the county you can still participate by contacting Richard and finding out what dates he will be at farms and coordinating your drop-off. These pick-ups happen several times a year.