Oatka Creek Park Tree Check #2

Thanks to the five volunteers that came out in April to do maintenance work on the Balonek Farms planting site! Maureen reports that things looked pretty good.

Now it’s time for the second round of maintenance on the Oatka Creek Park Trees for Tribs sites! We will  again be inventorying the areas and collecting plastic weed mats, straightening and/or removing tubes, and generally cleaning up and tending to the trees and shrubs to make help ensure those planting survive and thrive!

Come Join Us!

Date: Thursday, June 7

Where: We will be meeting at the western-most trail access (NW end of Trout Run) off Scottsville Mumford Road on the North Side of the park.  The trail goes over the railroad tracks and leads straight to the old concrete bridge.   The planting is to the east of the bridge on the north side of the creek.

Time: 9:00 AM

What to bring:

  • hammer/mallet
  • zip-ties
  • knife
  • bottle(s) of drinking water
  • sun screen
  • insect repellent
  • waterproof boots
  • gloves
  • sharp hand pruners

What to expect:

Dress for the weather- bug spray, hat, work gloves, water bottle, and hammer will help.  Long pants and long sleeves are recommended due to the vegetation.

We will  be checking tubes to see if plants are growing or dead and will need a record on how many dead trees are encountered. We will remove tubes/stakes/ plastic weed mats from dead plants and realign and secure tubes and stakes for live plants. We will provide wood pellet bags for plastic weed mat disposal. Tubes and stakes are to be placed in piles and we will pick up & store these for other projects. If you  have any questions, please contact Pete at lent@frontiernet.net

Hope to see you there!

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