Call for Volunteers
Planting Trees and Shrubs along Genesee River
Town of Hume, Allegany County
WHEN: SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 2019, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
WHERE: Town of Hume, Allegany Co.; Near intersection of West River Road and NY State Route 19A, approx. 1 ¼ miles north on State Route 19A from the intersection of State Routes 19 and 19A and County Rd. 4 in the Village of Fillmore. See Location maps and Parking Location photos on Pages 2 -4 of this notice.
WHAT: In 2018, Edelweiss Farms and the Genesee RiverWatch undertook a project to stabilize a rapidly eroding vertical riverbank along the Genesee River. Currently, 1900 linear feet of the riverbank has been graded to a more gradual slope and rock has been placed to protect the lower portion of the riverbank. To complete the project, nearly 1600 trees and shrubs will need to be planted along the upper riverbank and on a buffer area between the riverbank and the nearby agricultural field. We will need the assistance of least 60 volunteers to help with this planting event. The shrubs we will plant have been selected because they are fruit-bearing and will provide food for wildlife.
WHO TO CONTACT: Pete Lent (Genesee RiverWatch): lent@frontiernet.net .If you would like to help, please send an e-mail to Pete. We will need to know:
- your e-mail and phone number
- whether you will be able to help, most of day, or only in morning, or only in afternoon
- how many folks might be coming with you
- if you have any questions
We will develop an e-mail/phone list for the project. The list will allow us to send out updates on the project to volunteers both before and after the planting event.
(NOTE: those who volunteered for original May 25 date should contact Pete on their availability for June 1 – Thank you.)
ADDITIONAL DETAILS: Volunteers will need no prior experience. We will provide instruction on planting techniques, and placement of protective tree tubes and the stakes to secure them. Volunteers can bring shovels, spades, posthole diggers, pick axes or mattock (pick on one side & blade on other) to break up the ground; hammers to pound in stakes; and 5-gallon pails with handles to water plants. Please label your tools for easy identification. Conditions may be muddy so volunteers should wear boots, bring work gloves, and water. Also bring insect repellent (for black flies) and sunscreen. Although you can bring your own lunch, we plan on providing hotdogs for a lunch. We look forward to your assistance with this worthy project. Toilet facilities will be provided. With your help we will be able to accomplish this task, while enjoying the nearby views of the Genesee River.
Project Location Maps